Type / Model:
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Jetstar Asia Airways
Kok Chwee SIM
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
5000 x 3333
Image Description:
This "new" member of Jetstar Asia's fleet wears a non-standard livery. It has the "Jetstar" title minus the orange star on the fuselage and on its tail, the word "Jet" is grey instead of black. The slogan is missing from the lower forward fuselage. All these deviation from the standard livery is the result of this aircraft being transferred from Jetstar Pacific where it wore a special Kungfu Panda livery.

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Aircraft Data

The A320 is a twin engine short to medium range airliner. It was the first narrow body airliner produced by Airbus and first to use a fly-by-wire control system, with electronic cockpit and side-stick controller. Developed into a family of airliners.

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