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Brussels Airlines
Brussels, Belgium
Rudi Boigelot
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
5184 x 3456
Image Description:
Tomorrowland 2013 festival. The world comes together at Tomorrowland, reuniting more than 200 nationalities this summer for a magical experience at “De Schorre” in Boom, near Antwerp. Last year, Brussels Airlines brought 2000 festival goers from 17 different European cities to Belgium, on 25 flights in total. This year the collaboration is taken a step further: Brussels Airlines organizes 140 flights departing from 70 destinations all over the world towards Brussels Airport to bring party goers to Tomorrowland. Under the name Global Journey, Tomorrowland and Brussels Airlines offered 13000 all-in festival packages, including flight (or train) and hotel stay or camping, which were sold out in a matter of hours.

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Aircraft Data

The A330 is a twin engined medium to long range wide-body airliner.The A330 family was developed alongside the A340 family, with much commonality, both were launched in 1997. Shares the fly-by-wire and electronic cockpit of the Airbus A320 series.

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