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Air China Cargo
Liege, Belgium
Rudi Boigelot
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
5000 x 3333
Image Description:
Air China Cargo, a subsidiary of the airline Air China, inaugurates this 7 June a new route between Liege and Asia. It will begin its operations with a weekly flight between Liege and Shanghai using a Boeing 777 (capacity of 100 tons). Air China Cargo will bring its e-commerce products to Shanghai. For the return, it will carry other goods (milk powder, cosmetics, chocolate, etc.) An increase in frequencies is not excluded depending on demand

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Aircraft Data

The Boeing 777 is the world's largest twinjet and commonly referred to as the "Triple Seven" Distinguishing features include the six wheels on each main landing gear. In service with many of the worlds airlines primarily for long-haul services

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