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JetBlue Airways
Suresh Atapattu
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3000 x 2000
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Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport opens its south runway by having the first landing by a VIP flight flown by JetBlue. Broward County Commissioners, the Airport Director and distinguished guests pose for photo on board the flight. The first flight to land on the new runway was a JetBlue charter hop with about 150 people on board, including a handful of journalists documenting the occasion. The $719 million, 8,000-foot runway is the first phase of an expansion project aiming to ease crowds and update terminals for the 23.5 million passengers who visit the airport annually for its budget-friendly flight options

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Aircraft Data

The A320 is a twin engine short to medium range airliner. It was the first narrow body airliner produced by Airbus and first to use a fly-by-wire control system, with electronic cockpit and side-stick controller. Developed into a family of airliners.

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