Type / Model:
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Brussels Airlines
Brussels, Belgium
Rudi Boigelot
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
5244 x 3546
Image Description:
Brussels Airlines flies the world to Tomorrowland for fourth consecutive year. Brussels Airlines flies 11,123 Tomorrowland visitors to Belgium on 119 flights, departing from 64 airports. To get the party people in the right atmosphere right from the start of their journey, 9 airports organize a gate party, in Tomorrowland style, before the flight departure. 80 flights are transformed into party flights with music on board.

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Aircraft Data

The A330 is a twin engined medium to long range wide-body airliner.The A330 family was developed alongside the A340 family, with much commonality, both were launched in 1997. Shares the fly-by-wire and electronic cockpit of the Airbus A320 series.

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